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This will be a copy-paste of every regular authors introductory post, so that when/if they are lost in the mists of time, they are accessible.

Introduction: Wulfvir

Hi, I am Wulfvir, and I am starting a new blog devoted to all 40k armies. I am quite capricious and flit between armies; I have had several failed blogs due to this, as I tried to specialize too much.

I will be recruiting other decent players from my FLGS to help me keep this site up to date, as because of my flitting, I tend to leave armies to gather dust. I may also be accepting guest publications, as long as it relates to 40k tacticas / list building / etc.

I will not be accepting lists that need advice, although if I have another author who specializes in a particular army, I will pass it on to him.

To send me a publication, send it to


Hi my name is Adam (SGT_LAG), I am a 40k fan and will be writing a few of the articles on this blog. I mostly play sister of battle and orks, sisters because of the death organ -I mean c'mon- :D and orks because there is nothing funnier than seeing the enemy cower when they see 180 rampant blood thirsty orks coming their way. I will mostly writing about summaries of what other people have researched and what I have experienced myself; I hope people find it useful and interesting, especially the SoB as they have the newer of dex's and are one of the more complex army choices in my opinion.

Greetings Internet!

Elhi'Ahcolee here, writing a good old introductory post. Hopefully I'll be writing a fair few articles here on the blog, work and time permitting, which will be of light tone and may require you to find a dictionary once or twice, because long seldom used words are awfully fun to use.

So a small bit about myself I suppose, I've been into 40K since about 2003, although the first thing I played as a young boy back then was the old 'Space Crusade' board game, this inevitably lead me into the Tabletop hobby, back in good old Fourth Edition! I even dragged a few friends in with me too. Since those far gone days I've played a multitude of different armies and own a small contingent from about every force. Tactically I play for the fun, I rarely use vehicles as I can't resist a good infantry or cavalry charge. My first army being Chaos I've gained a devious persuasion from Tzeentch, often muttering "Just as Planned" or quietly scheming with every player around the board.

Anyway, glad to be here and hope to write many articles on a variety of subjects.

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