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Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Greetings Internet!

Elhi'Ahcolee here, writing a good old introductory post. Hopefully I'll be writing a fair few articles here on the blog, work and time permitting, which will be of light tone and may require you to find a dictionary once or twice, because long seldom used words are awfully fun to use.

So a small bit about myself I suppose, I've been into 40K since about 2003, although the first thing I played as a young boy back then was the old 'Space Crusade' board game, this inevitably lead me into the Tabletop hobby, back in good old Fourth Edition! I even dragged a few friends in with me too. Since those far gone days I've played a multitude of different armies and own a small contingent from about every force. Tactically I play for the fun, I rarely use vehicles as I can't resist a good infantry or cavalry charge. My first army being Chaos I've gained a devious persuasion from Tzeentch, often muttering "Just as Planned" or quietly scheming with every player around the board.

Anyway, glad to be here and hope to write many articles on a variety of subjects.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Wulfkin, my dear friend. May your posts be awesome and your defeats few.

    Till the Wolftime, Battle-Brother. =D
