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Tuesday, 6 March 2012

SoB brief codex highlights

Sisters of Battle: Codex highlights
This is just a list of some of the highlights that I think there are in the White Dwarf SoB codex:
First and most certainly foremost Saint Celestine full of mostly win for her cost, as far as I or anyone else that I know can tell. All they’ve done is upped her stats and almost halved her cost from the previous Dex, WS 7 BS 7 I 7 (which I think makes Miraculous Intervention all the better) 5 attacks base; however only T3.
Miraculous Intervention is AWESOME; when she dies, on a 4+ she gets back up with d3 wounds. Now once she gets up, she can charge into combat with 6 i7 attacks, meaning she will pretty much always get her attacks before she gets killed again. Furthermore, her ardent blade gets a flamer template at str 5 ap 4 before charging again.
(Also note in the FAQ it states that if she is removed from play, she still can get back up on a 4+)

Uriah Jacobus: complete boss and he has a shotgun called the “redeemer” :D
For even less points than Celestine, he allows SoB to re-roll their faith points for the turn, so if they are only allowed -for example- two acts of faith with their roll you are allowed to reroll (however, if in this situation you get a 1 on faith points re-roll you have to use it). This guy gives any unit he is in an extra attack and FnP, plonk him in a Battle Conclave like Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders and you can make one badass unit.

My favourite of these have to be the Death Cult Assassins; these at first glance are a mediocre unit but with certain buffs become an insane unit. Death Cult Assassins have a 5 up invulnerable and 2 power weapons; they also have 2 attacks base, 3 because of two power weapons. Now, that’s ok, but with Uriah Jacobus they gain an attack; thus 4 attacks and 5 on the charge. Now these are WS5 S4 I6 power weapon attacks, each with re rolls to hit because Uriah Jacobus has Righteous Rage, which gives him and his unit re rolls to hit (Oh btw DCA are cheaper than the average marine).

Now I have math hammered this against a good cc unit. 20 death company with Astorath, This unit is about 2.5 times the points cost of the DCA unit used in this example; this is rough and rounded up or down on some .5 numbers but hopefully close enough. (Anything major, please point out within comments)
First off with Death Company on the charge… DCA strike first with 40 attacks now hitting on 4s with re rolls that’s 30 hits and then 4's to wound; that’s 15 dead. Astorath gets to attack with 4 attacks 3 hit and 2 wound most likely killing two even with invulnerables, due to his axe. Now the DC get 20 attacks 15 hit due to re-rolls and 12 wound due to re-rolls all given by Astorath, 8 of them are failed from invun save and 4 of them are failed from FNP that’s a total of 6 to 15. They’re fearless so they take 9 wounds, killing 1/2 from armour and FNP saves. Next round DCA get 16 attacks 12 hit 6 wound 3 DC are killed and Astorath has to pass 3 armour saves which leaves him on about 2 wounds… two rounds almost killing an insanely powerful cc unit with them on the charge with a special character chaplain. (also Jacobus may or may not kill 1 also think what would happen with DCA on the charge!)
Now because of the way you can set up battle conclave units, you could also include crusaders as effective tanks, these have storm shields that grant 3++ with FNP after; you could take wounds on these and help the DCA to survive longer. As the main vulnerability of these is getting to their targets in one piece, you want as many decent saves as possible; also something to bear in mind is Uriah Jacobus is stubborn so you should stay in the fight.

Heavy support:
Now there is an obvious king… queen of this section: the Exorcist, reasonable predator armour with a 6++ from shield of faith but it has d6 str8 48" ap 1 rockets great as a back line artillery piece and will insure that the opponent’s heavy support stays the hell away and respects your authority. :D Similar points to a vindicator and so worth taking 2-3; that and seriously is there anything cooler than some huge mobile death organ with skulls on it that fires godly rockets.

This concludes some of the awesome features; in my next few posts I will list some other awesome things in this codex, and possible tactica; the key thing about this army is what you pair with what, not “Oh that’s awesome I’ll use it” because -quite frankly- there aren't many good things in this army unless you know what their purpose is and how to use them.
Feel free to add comments with suggestions and I'll consider posting about it.
More SoB awesomeness yet to come...

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