This will sound obvious, but DROP THE RIGHT POD IN! Dropping a Melta squad in front of foot guard is not a good idea. In the same vein, dropping a flamer squad in front of mech anything is a bad idea. Plasma weapons should ideally drop near heavy infantry or rear armour.
Bear in mind you can't charge out of a pod. Thus squads relying on power fists, Mark of the Wulfen and/or other close combat techniques should drop behind/in cover. Following on with this, don't drop directly on top of a unit or impassible terrain. You would be surprised how many people at my FLGS forget that it only reduces scatter distance to avoid mishap, it cannot increase it. Also, be careful near the board edge. The rules do not say it reduces scatter to avoid mishaps off the board edge. This HAS been FAQ'd to confirm that it still scatters off the board edge.
Weaponry should depend on your opponent. If expecting small elite squads E.G. foot marines, loganwing, deathwing, bikers, etc, go for the storm bolter. If expecting hordes or mech, the Deathwing is probably better with its Str 5 large blast, as the blast will help with hordes, and the Str 5 may penetrate light vehicles, or glance most transports.
Podding squads are probably better with Wolf Guard, especially in terminator armour, and only if equipped with a combi-weapon or CML. The leadership is nice, but what really helps is the combination of that AND the shots. Sure you will get a second melta in a melta squad if you drop the wolf guard and add another Grey Hunter or whatever, but you will get a one shot melta (or other special weapons) or 2 missiles, an extra attack, special CCWs and an extra point of leadership if you take the wolfguard. It is all more points, but it is well worth it.
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