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Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Space Wolves Codex Review: HQs

As with all Space Marine HQ sections, the codex offers a choice between killy and support HQs. Where the Wolves differ is in how these are implemented. This section of the review details non-SC headquarters models, and what they can do for you.

The Wolf Lord is a classic HQ choice for marines; equivalent to a Chapter Master, and, like a Chapter Master, requires more expenditure to be effective. The Belt of Russ seems an obvious choice, as you do not want your probably 200pt + character to be one shotted by the first Lascannon to come screaming his way; also helping in this regard if you take any Thunderwolf Cavalry is the -surprise surprise- Thunderwolf Mount. However, if you take both of these, then you are looking at around 175 points sans weapon upgrades, thus we need to cut back. Take one if any, and consider Terminator Armour. Yes, it is expensive, but comes with a power weapon, a better armour save, and a slightly worse invuln than the Belt; for the same price as the Belt with power weapon! It also comes with a storm bolter, but meh; Wolf Lords are designed to be in combat anyway, thus the Belt is probably better. Anywho, this is turning into a mini article; I shall save it for another time! Onwards my Brothers!

The Wolf Guard Battle Leader is a mini Wolf Lord -equivalent to a Captain- who cannot take a Belt; thus take a Mount or a suit of Terminator Armour or watch your HQ die to a krak missile. I would suggest the Mount this time over an invuln; S10 ranged weapons are rare, S10 CC weapons outside of dreadnoughts are rare and you get an extra attack, not even taking into account the rest of the Mount's bonuses.

Rune Priests are unlike other Space Marine Librarians in that instead of bringing utility with a hint of dakka, they bring more dakka with a hint of utility. Living Lightning is great artillery, and Tempest is horrible against certain armies. VERY GOOD VALUE! Keep stock if possible, those points make a difference.

Wolf Priests are similar to a Chaplain, however the rerolls are granted in a different way; instead of granting rerolls to hit on the charge, it grants Preferred Enemy to a specfic unit type. Considering I don't like Chaplains excepting in Death Company, one that is restricted to a certain unit type I wouldn't go near with a 10ft barge pole; despite the rerolls off the charge. They are also fluffed as the chapter's Apothecaries; with none of the rules. This makes me even less likely to take them; I may be competitive but I still like sticking to the background.

All in all, I would go for one HQ per full thousand points; probably Rune Priests; maybe one tooled up lord. YMMV of course, but I find the others lacking; especially the Wolf Guard with his lack of invuln. Special Characters are a seperate case; mostly I would replace 2 HQs with one.

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